ROD 06 

Rodenstein Records   ROD 06

Regina Litvinova Extreme Trio
German Body - Russian Soul - African Heart

Regina Litvinova (p) Martin Simon (b)Christian Scheuber(dr) recorded 2003
Sixteen Or Twenty-five
German Body - Russian Soul - African Heart
Old Moscow
Tempus Fugit
On Newski Prospect
Mt. Fuji San - Regina
Caviar And Vodka
The Snapper
Rain Before Christmas


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more about the music
Regina Litvinova, born in 1979, "got the blues" and is "one of the greatest piano talents in Germany" (scala, 12/03). "Great timing and excellent technique but also a richness of melodic ideas and deep emotion" (JAZZ PODIUM 12/03) – praised by the critics, Litvinova who moved from Russia to Mannheim two years ago teams up with drummer Christian Scheuber and bass player Martin Simon (who also plays on Fritz Münzer’s Tentet CD "Blue ideas" JAZZ’n’ARTS RECORDS 0200)
